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Technology and tool use is so important for the future of teaching. Technology is continually updating and changing. There are so many great tools that are out. These tools can be used to increase learning in the classroom. It’s so important to have an understanding of these tools and how they can be used in schools. Below I have included an artifact of one of the Tool Masteries that I had to complete for my education technology class. A tool mastery is where we were asked to pick a Web 2.0 tool and connect it to an ALCOS standard. We then said how it could be used in an activity in the classroom.  This tool is called story bird and is a great tool for students to write their own stories. My understanding of how to use this tool and how it can be implemented into the classroom and how I connected it to the curriculum demonstrates my understanding of technology and tool use. I have also included more of my tool mastries as links underneath the artifact. 




Viewable Sample of Tool:




























Summary of Usage: This tool is a great idea for students to use to create their own stories. To start you go to and create your own account. This is all that it takes to get started. From there you click create in the top left corner. Story bird has many different pictures to choose from in order to get your story started. Once you have picked a picture you can then pick your title page and start writing. The tool gives you many other picture choices on the side of your creation as you continue writing your work. Depending on where you place your picture on the page, the textbox will come up in different areas for you to write.


Selection Criteria:

  • Very easy to navigate, and organized well.

  • This tool can be used by anyone even by students in elementary school to create their own story. This is important due to the fact that my area of work is elementary school. The tool is also organized well and creates an easy to understand product that has no confusion and allows creativity.

ALCOS Connection:

English Language Arts Grade 2

  • 3.) Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. [RL.2.3]


I chose this because it’s a great tool for creating and allows students to have their own thoughts and create their own stories to where a character faces adversity.


Bloom’s Taxonomy: Creating



ISTE Tech Standards: 1. Creativity and Innovation

a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.


Curriculum Connection: I plan to use this tool as a project in order to give my students time to create their own stories. I will start off by introducing the topic to the class as a whole. We will go through different stories together to figure out how the character responded to challenges and events throughout the story. From there I will give my students the assignment of creating their own story where their character faces a challenge and how they deal with it. The last page of their story should include a summary of how their character responded to these challenges. This way I can test the students learning to see if they understand the topic.  

Tool mastery

Here are more examples:

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