How things are taught in a classroom and having a plan is very important. Teachers are constantly planning for class activities and learning by creating their own lessons. They will also sometimes edit lessons found online that have been used by other students. Below I have included a lesson plan that I found and edited to fit the needs of the students in my classroom. I have also integrated technology into this lesson. I connected the lesson to the curriculum that must be taught according to the Alabama Course of Study. This lesson plan also includes formative and summative assessments, which are needed to see how students are learning and understanding the topic being taught. This lesson plan is a good example of teaching because it shows how I plan to carry about teaching in my classroom, and how I plan to work with each and every student so that they can learn to their best ability.
Date: October 14th, 2015 Teacher: Ms. Miller
Grade Level: Second Grade
Title of Lesson: All About Me Story
Topic or Main Idea:
Students will create a personal narrative by generating ideas for writing from their personal experiences, write details of their experience in an organized manner, and revise their draft to add details.
• Demonstrate persistence in completing tasks.
• Participate with others when making decisions and solving problems.
• Demonstrate appropriate behavior.
Share ideas using communication skills.
Standards Used:
ISTE- Creativity and Innovation
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
English Language Arts Grade 2
24.) Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. [W.2.3]
Bloom's Taxonomy: Creating
All About Me Story Planning Sheet
All about ME Story First Draft Sheet
Blue Pen
Red Pen
Willingness to share your life
I pad
Story Bird account
Before Class Preparation Activity:
The day before this activity and assignment begins, I will tell students to think about incidents that have occurred in their own live so that they can have options to pick from. Students should already have an understanding of how to include details in their stories. Teacher needs to prepare for activity by printing of the planning and drafting sheet and to also get the I pads for the classroom on the 3rd day.
During Class Activities:
Day One
• Teacher will model how to use the All-About-Me Planning Sheet by creating an overhead copy of the planning sheet and working through it in front of the students.
• Begin by telling about three incidents that have occurred in your own life.
Ex. 1. I fell into a river while walking back from the bathroom in the middle of the night during a camping trip to Zion National Park.
Ex. 2. My house was on fire.
Ex 3. I was left at the Statue of Liberty.
• Choose one of the story ideas you would like to write about.
• Tell your story orally to your students. Ask them, "Could I write this story down?"
• Model how you could take the oral story and put it into a written personal narrative, describing all the events that happened.
Start the story with a bang - writing an exciting first sentence to draw the reader in. (ex. Splash! I'm all wet.)
Model how you would tell the details of your story in an organized format. Be sure to include the beginning, middle, and end. Purposely you may want to leave some important details out so you can explain how students can ask questions to generate more of the story details. Encourage the students to ask you questions about the story - to help you get the important missing details.
Model writing the story in front of your students on chart paper.
• Pass out the An All-About-Me Story planning sheet to each student.
• Have them list and categorize two or three things that have happened to them and write them on their planning sheet.
• Have the students pick one idea from their list to write their personal narrative about in order to retell their story.
• Pair the students up with a partner and have them explain to their partner the complete story of the incident. Encourage students to list a lot of details telling what happened. Encourage the partner to ask many questions to identify as many important details as possible. (Remind them of when you were telling your story.)
• Remind them of your exciting first sentence and have them try writing an exciting first sentence for their story.
• Now have them copy that exciting first sentence on All-About-Me first draft page. Have them write their story. Remind them to include all the wonderful details that they told to their partner.
Day Two
1 Referring to the planning sheet section 3, students now revise their first draft. Teacher uses her modeled story and a blue marker (Revision Pen), to go back through and add details that may have been missing in the first draft.
2 Have the student take their first draft copy of their All-About-Me story, a clipboard, and the blue pen (Revision Pen) and have them meet again with the same partner they had on day one.
3 Each student will read their first draft to their partner and then add any missing details. Students ask self and partner - Did I forget anything? Do I need to add any details to make my story better? Add details to make the story more interesting or clear. They will look at the who, what, when, where, why wordle to make sure that each question is answered to complete the story.
4 Then go back with their partner to reread their revised story.
Day Three:
• Teacher models how to take the revised first draft and use her red pen (Checking Pen) to check for errors. Check for and correct end punctuation, capital letters, and spelling.
• Have the students take their revised first draft and their red pen (Checking Pen) and make corrections for end punctuation, capital letters, and spelling.
Then Students will get an ipad and go to story bird and make their narrative into a story by adding pictures and typing in their first draft to create their final draft.
Once these are complete students will present them to the classroom for a formal assessment.
These stories will then be shared in class and graded for accuracy. (Formal assessment)
Throughout the process students will turn in the paperwork each day in order to make sure that they understand the lesson. (Informal/summative assessment)
I feel that the tool story bird will be a great tool for Jeremy and Corbin to succeed in class. This will allow them both practice with writing and keep them involved in the lesson. The practice with writing is very important for Corbin because his scores were low on his ARMT. With writing a story of his own, I can acknowledge what the struggles may be with the topic and discover what the problem may have been that resulted in lower scores. Writing their own story is also great for both of the boys in order to understand more about what their struggles are and how to help them in the future. Keeping them involved is implemented for Jeremy since he tends to get bored during class. The idea with him creating his own story and interacting with the lesson is to hopefully eliminate his boredom and keep him more engaged in class. I also choose this tool because there is no way that it could be taken competitively in any type of way so that Jeremy’s anger will not be involved in this lesson. I plan to keep both students involved and engaged in order to increase their learning as much as possible.
Back Up Plan: If students are having difficulty with story bird, we have the option of using voice thread instead. Then the students can place in pictures they found and narrator their stories.
If there is a problem with all of technology we have the option of writing out the final draft and illustrating it with hand drawn pictures.