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All About Me

My name is Haley Miller. I am currently a sophomore in pre-elementary education at Auburn University. I am from Harvest, Alabama. I love children and cannot wait to teach and have a classroom of my own. 

Why I Want To Teach?

Ever since I was in kindergarten and had my first day of “real school,” my mom tells me that I would come home and tell her all about my fun day at school. I would explain to her that I wanted to be just like my teacher one day. I loved playing school at home with my brothers, friends, and cousins. No questions asked I would always play the role of teacher. I would make up test and lesson plans to teach to my “class”.


I am confident that teaching is my purpose. From grade school, I have known that teaching is the career for me. My love to teach and inspire those around me has developed through helping other students in my classes and watching my teachers do what they love to do most. Looking back on my years of school, I had so many outstanding teachers that I looked up to. They were wonderful role models in my life and made their classroom a positive environment for every single one of their students. One teacher in particular that I loved, was my third grade teacher, Ms. Dobbs. That year I looked forward to going to school so much. I enjoyed every subject that she taught us. I think that is one of the main reasons why I would like to teach 3rd grade. I enjoy the subject of math and would enjoy teaching multiplication to my students.

I had the opportunity growing up to mentor and help some of the students in my classes. There is nothing like the feeling of explaining how something works to someone and having them completely understand. Doing this is when I realized how much I would enjoy teaching as a career. I also enjoyed running errands for my teachers or helping them grade papers. I would imagine that it was my classes papers that I was grading. Any chance I got I would volunteer to help my teacher.


Impacting at least one student’s life is what is the most appealing part of this job for me. I want my students to come in everyday ready to learn and enjoying it at the same time. I want my classroom to be a safe and positive environment for my students, the same way that my teachers were for me. I want my students to look up to me the same way that I looked up to my teachers. My goal is to make as many students as I can love learning and want to come back to school each day. Education is so important for success in the world today. Every child is required to come to school and learn. So why not make it a fun and enjoyable environment for them. I want to be that teacher that changes their experience of school for the better. Not only do I want to impact them, but I am excited to see just how much they can impact me as well. There is so much to learn from children. I can not wait to see where this journey takes me. 



How to Contact Me


214 Sweet Bay Ct. 

Harvest, Al 35749

My teaching philosphy 

My aspirations as a teacher are to create an environment of learning; to encourage learning through mastery of topics and lifelong learning. In order to do this students must be eager to learn and have fun doing it. Lifelong learning is crucial. Students should build upon their knowledge as they go through each grade level of school. Once subjects are mastered they should be able to recall them at any time. The most significant learning happens when the lesson is meaningful and realistic. In order to reach these aspirations and goals students will engage in interactive work through technology tools as much as possible. I plan to allow students to work as individuals and through group work. This variety will allow students to be well rounded. I will assess students understanding of these topics through formative and informative assessments. There will be traditional test and projects to assess the understanding of students. I will improve my teaching by evaluating each lesson and the effects of it after the instruction is given. This way I can continually improve myself. 

All of the work presented in this portfolio was created by me. 

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